How to use a timer in JavaScript


You are designing a web page and wish to add interactivity that will be occurring periodically. For example, it will be sending a request to an API every 10 seconds to retrieve information. For this post, we will use an example of updating a number incrementally every second.


When you write Javascript in a web browser, the web browser offers some built-in functions to help you accommodate your needs. One of these functions is setInterval and is used for setting up a timer running in the background. The timer simply accepts 2 arguments:

  1. The action to execute (a javascript function)
  2. The interval/ period that the timer will use for ticking (in milliseconds, 1 second = 1000ms)

In our example we will need a function that will simply update a number and the interval of 1 second that is 1000ms.

But first, let’s create a simple HTML page that will have a text input element with initially having a the 0. That number will then get updated on every second. The timer will start by clicking a button.

<html !DOCTYPE>


		<h3>Timer example</h3>

		<input type="text" id="txtNumber" value="0"/>
		<input type="button" value="start timer"/>



Now, let’s add the onclick event on the button. When the user clicks on the button, a JavaScript function will set up and start the timer.

<input type="button" value="start timer" onclick="startTimer()" />

We use a function called startTimer() and is defined as follows:

function startTimer(){
    let timer = setInterval(incrementNumber, 1000);

The incrementNumber() is another one function responsible for updating the number in the text field by one. It is defined as follows:

function incrementNumber() {
    let currentNumber = document.getElementById("txtNumber").value;
    let nextNumber = parseInt(currentNumber) + 1;
    document.getElementById("txtNumber").value = nextNumber;

Putting both functions under a script tag.

	function incrementNumber() {
		let currentNumber = document.getElementById("txtNumber").value;
		let nextNumber = parseInt(currentNumber) + 1;
		document.getElementById("txtNumber").value = nextNumber;
	function startTimer(){
		let timer = setInterval(incrementNumber, 1000);

The complete code is as follows:

<html !DOCTYPE>


	<h3>Timer example</h3>

	<input type="text" id="txtNumber" value="0"/>
	<input type="button" value="start timer" onclick="startTimer()" />


	function incrementNumber() {
		let currentNumber = document.getElementById("txtNumber").value;
		let nextNumber = parseInt(currentNumber) + 1;
		document.getElementById("txtNumber").value = nextNumber;
	function startTimer(){
		let timer = setInterval(incrementNumber, 1000);



And when clicking the button, the 0 gets updated by 1 every second.

It works!


In this post, we quickly saw how to use the setInterval function in JS and increment a number in a text field by 1 every second. You can download the code below.

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