Calculate Fibonacci number in C++

Calculate Fibonacci number in C++ problem You would like to calculate the nth Fibonacci number using the C++ programming language. Recall that the sequence of Fibonacci as follows: SOLUTION Let’s use recursion as the mathematical problem has a recursive nature. The function prototype will look as follow: long int fibonacci(int fth); The implementation of it […]

Generate Fibonacci number in Java using dynamic programming

Generate Fibonacci number in Java using dynamic programming problem This post is a follow up of the previous example that was calculating a Fibonacci number using binary recursion. In this post we will see how to (almost dramatically) speed up the execution time of the algorithm using a technique called dynamic programming. Recap: Given a […]

Generate Fibonacci number in Java

Generate Fibonacci number in Java problem Given a number n, you wish to generate the nth Fibonacci element. The formula is as follows: SOLUTION One solution is by using recursion. Fibonacci sequence is recursive by its natural definition so it will suit best. For example: public class Fibonacci { public long calculate(int n) { if […]